Key Performance Indicators

SR. No. Key Performance Indicators Information Remarks
1 Total Sanctioned seats (GCVT + NCVT) (Senior + Junior Batch including both) 64
2 Total Number of Admission Forms Sold till 31st August 2023 64
3 Total Number of Admission Forms Returned till 31st August 2016...
4 Total Number of Trainees who took Admission in Junior Batch as on 31st August 2016........
5 Total Number of Trainees in Senior Batch as on 30th Jun 2016........
6 Total Number of On-Roll Trainees (Junior + Senior Batches) as on End of Reporting Month.
7 Percentage utilization of student seating capacity
8 Retention Rate (On roll * 100/ Admission)
9 No. of trades. (GCVT + NCVT) 3
10 No. of batches (GCVT + NCVT) 3
11 Total Number of Trainees who appeared in the Final Examination in July 2023
12 Total Number of Trainees who passed in the Final Examination in July 2023
13 Pass out percentage in August 2023
14 No. of sanctioned post of teaching staff (All Trade, Maths, Drawing, Social Studies, English and others) 3
15 No. of currently filled posts of teaching staff (All Trades, Maths, Drawing, Social Studies, English and others) 1
16 No. of sanctioned posts for teaching staff (on Contract Basis - Recruitment by ITI Principal)
17 No. of currently filled posts of teaching staff (on Contract Basis - Recruitment by ITI Principal)
18 No. of sanctioned post of non-teaching staff (including Principal)
19 No. of currently filled posts of non-teaching staff (including Principal)
20 No. of teaching staff sent for Training (from 01 April 2008 onwards till date)
21 No. of Trainings attended by ITI Principal (from 01 April 2008 onwards till date)
22 Total Plan Budget Provision for the current financial year 2016-17
23 Total Plan Budget Expenditure during the current financial year 2016-17
24 Total Non-Plan Budget Provision for the current financial year 2016-17
25 Total Non-Plan Budget Expenditure during the current financial year 2016-17
26 Total Budget Provision (Plan + Non-Plan) for Students' Stipend in ITI during current financial year 2016-17
27 Total Expenditure on Students' Stipend in ITI during the current financial year 2016-17 (up to 31 Aug 2017)
28 Percentage Expenditure against Provision on Stipend during current financial year 2016-17(up to 31 Aug 2016)
29 Total Budget Provision (Plan + Non-Plan) for Raw Materials in ITI during current financial year 2016-17
30 Total Expenditure on Raw Materials in ITI during the current financial year 2016-17 (up to 31 Aug 2017)
31 Percentage Expenditure against Provision on Raw Materials during current financial year 2016-17 (upto 31 Aug 2017) -
32 Revenue Generation (if any during the current financial year) 0
33 Staff Utilization (Students-instructor ratio) Full time student to all staff (including non-teaching staff)
Full time student to teaching staff
34 Short term courses conducted till date 31/08/2013 during the year 2016-17 (MES and others) No. of Batches
No. of persons trained
No. of trainees who have completed Motor Driving School Training.
35 No. of trainees who successfully completed and passed the CCC Course. During 2015-16 A. ITI Staff -
B. Other Government Employees -
36 Progress of Placement Advisory Bureau (fill up separate review form where applicable, otherwise state Not Applicable)
37 Progress of Language Lab (fill up separate review form where applicable, otherwise state Not Applicable)
38 No of Campus Interview held during the Year 2014-2015
39 No. of Students who got jobs Year 2014-2015 (do not include figures of Apprenticeship Training)
No. of Expert Faculties invited from Industries as Guest Lecturer (Attach a Separate Paper with List of Names, designation, telephone, mobile, Name of industry, complete address)
40 No. of Industrial Visits by traineesduring the Year 2015-2016.
41 No. of Workshops and Seminars held (from 01 April. 2009 onwards)
42 No. of IMC Meeting held Current Year Financial year 2016-17
Progressive (Starting from formation of IMC)
43 No. of students from Polytechnics and Engg. Colleges who came and delivered guest lecture (from 01 April 2014 onwards till date)